Treasures in the Trees


While walking the dog along our favorite trail, I noticed how red the leaves were, almost as if they were on fire. A closer look was in order and hidden behind this colorful firestorm was a treasure trove of golden berries.


I never would have seen them if I didn’t stop for a closer look and thought how true that is with people too. So often we only see the outside and make our judgments based on little information. We all have so much more hidden just a little deeper and share those secrets with those who bother to look. Remember the saying “Don’t judge a book by it’s cover?”


This tree taught me the same concept. You don’t get the full picture with a quick glance. Why not stop and take a deeper look? Who knows what wonderful treasures you’ll find?

Windows on the Water


Power walking along the boardwalk is a great way to keep in shape. We all know that though. My mind tends to drift off looking at all the beautiful surroundings and this small gazebo was a reason to take a quick break. It looked like the ocean was in a picture frame. This structure was positioned perfectly in the sun to capture a never before noticed perspective on Mother Ocean.


There are no seats inside, only outside on the boardwalk. At night as you can see, you can sit below the tri-bulbed lights and take in the evening sky. I’m impressed by the woodwork on the ceiling and walls and realize just how strong this little structure has to be. Storms will rage through, tides will rise above and snows will freeze our part of the world. This gazebo will stand strong through all of it based on the handiwork of its builders. I feel this is a perfect metaphor for people too. We will all face storms, but we are built to withstand them and power forward.





Early this morning I looked outside and was immediately engaged in the pink sky. Of course a photo doesn’t do it justice, but there was a calm of color I was hoping to capture. Ironically, this sunrise brings in the first day of a new month. There is so much heartbreak in the world right now, I felt this sunrise was a sign that despite everything going on, all is well.

Sometimes we need to unplug from the technology that bombards us with bad news and just look up to the sky. Every morning brings the promise of a new day, still uncrafted. It’s up to us to make the most of it and see the beauty that surrounds us.

The Sun is Setting


Another day is coming to an end and what a busy day it was. Aren’t most days filled to the brim and over before we know it? This has been on my mind lately about how quickly the days pass and how if we take a few minutes, we can slow down the speed of time by simply looking around and taking in the scenery.


Nothing gives us a more spectacular end of day show, than the sunsets. In Key West, they come to celebrate at the Southern most point of the United States and drink in the colors and calm of another day ending. Time will stand still for a moment if we stand still too. Look around, take a breath, and stop moving. This is a show you don’t want to miss!

The Cove and the Cattails


This hidden cove at the shallow end of The Shark River is one of those spots that is really worth visiting. Today promised to be a busy day, and I was driving past. The sun happened to reflect off the water at the perfect time and somehow my car turned by itself into the dirt parking lot. The cattails were blowing happily in the breeze singing a dry bristling song, and the water was busy lapping at the dock.


There were the usual water fowl hanging around, including the white swans. They pretended like I wasn’t there and I did the same for them. Today, my focus was on the cattails. They are so tall and willowy but fragile too. In the proper light, they look beautiful along the cove. Low tide is on it’s way and a dramatic change of scenery will occur. Where there’s water now, will soon be mud. And bugs. As I always say, enjoy it now, because soon it will be gone. Nature is like that, that’s what I love about it!





I’ve been thinking about time and why it feels like we have so little of it. Maybe it’s because of how quickly we see our children growing up and our parents growing old. Maybe it’s that we feel rushed and realize how much time we allowed to get by without us being productive. Do you wish you could go back in time? Would you have lived in another time if that was possible? What about the time that we do have? That’s what I’m focused on now and how I can make the most of my time.


We’re all dying. Sounds so morbid, but I don’t mean it to be. Simply put, as each day passes our time here gets shorter. That’s why I make the time now to stop and look at the flowers, or go down to the beach. It seems more important to experience beauty than to be too busy to notice it. There’s a quote I love: “Put yourself in the way of beauty”. Make time for the loves in your life, don’t make excuses. “Time waits for no man”.

Fall Favorites


I had to stop at my local garden shop today for one reason only. The display out front was dazzling and brightened my spirits on this gray fall day. Wandering around with my cell phone shooting pictures, I was trying to decide if I love the fall flowers better than the summer blooms. It’s a tough call. The warmth of the fall colors is so rich and comforting. Summer flowers shout out their colors loud and clear as they reach up to the hot sun. I’m split down the middle, both seasons evoke such strong feelings.


The Mums were a sea of color as far as the eye could see! Pumpkins and pansies, corn stalks and daisies, all in rows for viewing. The center was empty today and the feeling I had was it’s a shame all these cars that are driving by, don’t at least stop in quickly for a visual pick-me-up. I’m easily distracted by nature and wish other people were too. Plus, buying a small plant keeps our local business people in business!



Mums the word


I’m not sure why I chose that headline tag, because it means keeping something secret. It just seemed to fit the pictures I took of a great Fall display. Mums are one of my favorites because of all the color choices and flower sizes. I wish I could bring them inside to keep blooming all year, but tried that once and it didn’t work out. That’s the secret of natures beauty- enjoy it the moment you see it, because soon it will be gone.


For now, I love to see the decorations with Mums, kale, pumpkins and cornstalks. They look great at the front door, so inviting! Fall colors exude warmth in yellows, dark reds and orange. I’ve noticed the butterflies are attracted to that warmth as well. Mums will usually last until the trick or treaters come calling, then it’s time to clear up the landscaping for winter.


Get the kayak out


It’s early October and though the leaves are turning beautiful colors, this display of kayaks caught my attention. They’re all locked up and put away, but on a warm day like this, I say “Release the Kayaks!” The river is flat, it’s low tide and the time is right to get out on the water. Of course, I’m saying this to myself, wishing I actually owned one of these toys. You can bet I would be out there having left from this exact spot.

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The Harvest Moon made for extreme tides and it’s almost possible to walk out beyond the markers. I noticed a few fishermen, but overall I had the marina to myself. Pretty soon, the boats will come in and be winterized, but I’m saddened to see a spectacular day passing by and all those kayaks on dry dock. Maybe I’ll put a bright pink kayak on my Christmas list. Who knows, that big jolly elf could surprise me.


Here Comes the Color


It didn’t take long for the Fall colors to start popping. While walking the dog today I grabbed a few shots to remember this blazing orange spectacle. Soon it will be a bare tree getting ready for the winter blast. But right here and now, its gorgeous! I could take pictures like this all day. Truth is, nature to me is a work of art to be appreciated as you see it. The next time I come by, it will look completely different.


The dog is so distracted by running squirrels! I’m sure they are busy rounding up the necessities for the long cold spell. We are surely invading on their progress! It strikes me how cool it is that even animals, like the trees know when it’s time to get ready for winter. Instinct runs strong in the animals and as the acorns drop from the trees, one feeds the other. Amazing how wonderful nature is as it provides for even the smallest of creatures.