Fall Favorites


I had to stop at my local garden shop today for one reason only. The display out front was dazzling and brightened my spirits on this gray fall day. Wandering around with my cell phone shooting pictures, I was trying to decide if I love the fall flowers better than the summer blooms. It’s a tough call. The warmth of the fall colors is so rich and comforting. Summer flowers shout out their colors loud and clear as they reach up to the hot sun. I’m split down the middle, both seasons evoke such strong feelings.


The Mums were a sea of color as far as the eye could see! Pumpkins and pansies, corn stalks and daisies, all in rows for viewing. The center was empty today and the feeling I had was it’s a shame all these cars that are driving by, don’t at least stop in quickly for a visual pick-me-up. I’m easily distracted by nature and wish other people were too. Plus, buying a small plant keeps our local business people in business!



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