Get the kayak out


It’s early October and though the leaves are turning beautiful colors, this display of kayaks caught my attention. They’re all locked up and put away, but on a warm day like this, I say “Release the Kayaks!” The river is flat, it’s low tide and the time is right to get out on the water. Of course, I’m saying this to myself, wishing I actually owned one of these toys. You can bet I would be out there having left from this exact spot.

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The Harvest Moon made for extreme tides and it’s almost possible to walk out beyond the markers. I noticed a few fishermen, but overall I had the marina to myself. Pretty soon, the boats will come in and be winterized, but I’m saddened to see a spectacular day passing by and all those kayaks on dry dock. Maybe I’ll put a bright pink kayak on my Christmas list. Who knows, that big jolly elf could surprise me.


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